Pollary Family Dentistry

All-On-4 Dental Implants in Colorado Springs, CO

All-on-4 dental implants are a permanent solution to lost teeth. They offer a natural-looking, long-lasting smile. All-on-4 dental implants are an amazing option for patients missing all of their upper or lower teeth.

What are All-on-4 implants?

The all-on-4 dental implant procedure is more commonly referred to as “teeth in a day.” It is a type of implant-supported denture that is typically recommended for patients who have lost all of their upper or lower teeth. This procedure is a less invasive alternative to a traditional bridge or dentures and involves only four implants being placed in the jaw to support a full arch of replacement teeth. With the all on implants Colorado, patients can leave their appointment with their new smile on the same day as their surgery!


An oral surgeon will surgically place four titanium implants in your jawbone to serve as an anchor for your new dentures. These implants will be placed at an angle, which will keep the prosthetic secure in your mouth without requiring any screws or adhesives. After the implants have been placed, your surgery site will be sutured, and you will leave our office with a temporary restoration in place. Your new set of teeth should feel very secure and lifelike so that you can eat and speak normally immediately. Many patients find the temporary restoration to be so comfortable that they forget they have an implant-retained denture!

After about six months of healing, you will return to our office to have your permanent restoration placed. We will take impressions of your mouth so that your custom-made final teeth are a perfect and functional fit. Once your permanent restoration is ready, we will schedule your appointment for placement. You will again have your final denture placed, and you can leave our office with your brand-new teeth the same day as your surgery! 

Benefits of All-on-4 implants

The all-on implants Colorado treatment offers several benefits over traditional dentures and bridges, including stability, convenience, and affordability. Because the procedure is less invasive than getting a full mouth of teeth, there’s less healing time involved and fewer risks. You also won’t have to worry about your dentures falling out or becoming loose. Your prosthetic teeth are fixed in place permanently. 

Another benefit to choosing an all-on-4 permanent teeth replacement is that you don’t need as many implants as you would need with traditional dentures. Only four implants are needed to secure the entire set. This cuts down on the cost of the procedure significantly. It also reduces how much healing time is needed for the implants. 

If you are considering all-on-4 implants, visit our office, Pollary Family Dentistry, at 6165 Lehman Dr #104,Colorado Springs, CO 80918. You can also reach Dentist in Colorado Springs CO at 719-591-0750 and schedule an appointment.


6165 Lehman Dr #104, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Office Hours

MON - FRI 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

Get in Touch

Email: info@pollaryfamilydentistry.com

Phone: (719) 591-0750