Pollary Family Dentistry

Oral Tissues: The Facts You Should Know

Oral Tissues: The Facts You Should Know

If you want a strong and healthy smile, then you need to care for your gums, which are also known as oral tissues. Your gums are an essential part of your smile and oral health, and it’s vital to keep them in tip-top shape. However, that might be a tough task if you don’t know much about them. So, our dentist, Dr. Kenneth Pollary, would be happy to teach you all about oral tissues in Colorado Springs, Colorado, by sharing the following facts about them:

-Your gums are the pink, puffy tissue that lines the mouth and surrounds the teeth. The gums make your smile aesthetically pleasing and they protect the tooth roots and nerves from bacteria and disease.

-It’s vital to clean your gums regularly. In fact, you should brush twice a day, floss daily, and attend your checkups every six months. It’s not normal for your gums to bleed while doing these things, so please don’t ignore a little pink in the sink.

-It’s possible to damage your gums. In fact, simple things like flossing and brushing too hard can harm the tissues and make them pull away from the teeth. This is why it’s important to be gentle as you brush and floss as well as use the proper oral hygiene tools.

-You should prevent gum disease as much as possible. This disease is caused by plaque buildup along the gumline. It can completely destroy the smile if you let it, which is why it’s very important to remove plaque and clean your smile regularly.

To learn more about oral tissues, please reach out to our dental team at Pollary Family Dentistry. When you dial 719-591-0750, we will be happy to give you the information, tips, and answers you need. We look forward to teaching you all about oral tissues!


6165 Lehman Dr #104, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Office Hours

MON - FRI 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

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Email: info@pollaryfamilydentistry.com

Phone: (719) 591-0750